So seeing how I’m going to be simmering on the running for a bit to let my knee recover in the coming weeks, I thought it would be fun to do a post about one of my favorite non-running exercises: abdominal work!
I learned this popular Army ab exercise, called the “Eagle Ab”, from my dad! It’s killer and sure to give you a good workout.
1) Start on your back with your body straight. Your head, shoulders, and legs should all be lifted a few inches off the floor and your abs should be engaged. Keep your hands behind your ears, your elbows spread parallel to the floor, and an intense expression on your face. 😉
2) Slowly lift yourself up into a crunch. The only part of your body touching the floor should be your butt, and your elbows should come between your legs, which will open into a diamond shape with your feet still touching. Maintain intense facial expression.
3) Slowly lower yourself back into the first position (don’t let your legs or shoulders touch the floor!), maintaining control and not moving too quickly, and do it all over again! And again! And again! Don’t stop… come on, you can do one more!!
4) Repeat as many times as you can, and then congratulate yourself on a job well done. 🙂
(Clearly these pictures were taken at my parent’s house in Tampa this summer… yeah, I have no nice furniture 😉 )
Let me know if you try it and how you like it! What’s your favorite ab exercise?
Time for jammies, a good book, and my bed 🙂 I have been SO SORE all day after the race yesterday!! I felt like an 80 year old trying to get up and down the stairs. However, the good news is my right knee is no more sore than the rest of me!
Have a great night, everyone, and stay tuned tomorrow to see what fun new meal I’m going to make with my leftover pasta!