Hey friends!
It’s a BEAUTIFUL day here in D.C. — perfect for dining and playing outside, which was great since Lauren and I organized a fun D.C. blogger lunch meet up at a place in Arlington, VA called Toscana Grill! Toscana is currently offering a full vegan menu on the weekends for the month of April, so it was the perfect spot for a bunch of healthy living/food bloggers 🙂
We had a huge group and it was so fun to see old friends and meet new ones!
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In attendance (a couple left before this picture was taken!) we had: Lauren, Quinn, Heather, Cara, Jacquie, Amy, Anna, Emily, Suzanne, Kate, Matt, Jordan, Sarah, Jasmine, and Ashley — a reader who I think we convinced to start a blog 😉 I hope I didn’t forget anyone!
For lunch, I ordered the “Tofu and Tomato,” vegan pizza, to which I added some extra veggies — peppers and zucchini!
It was delicious! I inhaled almost the entire thing 🙂
We all had a blast chatting about food, health, running, and blogs, and Jacquie and Anna were nice enough to bring cookies for everyone for dessert! Yum! 🙂
Thanks again to everyone that came! And don’t worry if you couldn’t make it for this round — there will be more meet ups 🙂
Before lunch, I met Lauren at the Cherry Blossom race expo to pick up our race packets! My training buddy Ashley had to work today so I was happy to have someone to go to the expo with 🙂 Love the cute blue shirts!
Lauren is SO sweet — it was great to get a chance to talk to her one-on-one before lunch! She even brought me presents from one of her favorite shops in PA (she’s in town for the race) — how sweet is that?? Thanks again Lauren! 🙂
After lunch, I walked into the city with Matt and some friends 🙂
(Totally sported my “Pho Sho” shirt today… he he! I had a TON of people comment/ask me where I got it! FYI — this weekend you can get free shipping on t-shirt orders over $25 on my Spreadshirt site— just use the code WEEKEND if you’re in the U.S. or CAD WEEKEND for Canada! Totally buying myself 2 more shirts, heh)
It was SUCH a beautiful day and people were out all over the place soaking up the sunshine.
I can’t believe it’s already almost 7:30?!?! I am going to get some homework done (lame) and then it’s early to bed so I’m ready for the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler in the morning!! I’ll be back tomorrow with a recap — GOOD LUCK to all my friends running it too!!
p.s. I am now the proud owner of a phone with internet capabilities!!!!!!!! I got the Verizon Palm Pre and I’m already obsessed. Details to come later this week — I’ll do a full review since I know some of you are considering making the switch!