Hi guys! I’m so glad many of you found my Mix & Match Stir Fry Recipes and Products I Recommend for New Babies + Expectant Mamas posts helpful! I’m back today with a fitness/lifestyle blog post. Good news: I’m FINALLY feeling better after fighting off that stupid cold for nearly 2 weeks! Mother nature helped me celebrate on Thursday morning with some gorgeous weather for my run date. 🙂
My friend Sokphal and I have been trying to make a run date happen for months now and finally our schedules aligned – so good to see her again, especially on such a lovely morning! This was our first run date since Riese was born – perfect timing since spring was in full swing at our usual meeting spot near Iwo Jima. Love those tulips with the distant Washington Monument in the background!
As you guys know I’m still (very) slowly ramping up my running, and only doing a casual run here and there for now. The last time I ran was two weeks ago – my 3 miler with my BFF Jenny – which was the longest I had run so far postpartum. Thankfully Sokphal was cool with keeping the pace casual, taking walking breaks, and not doing too much distance. Thanks girl!
We ended up covering about 3.25 miles total, but walked a little over a mile of it per my request. I wore my Garmin 910xt for the first time in ages because I was curious to see how far we ran and how my pace was – not in a judgmental “I have to be xx pace” sort of way, but just from a place of curiosity. I haven’t really been wearing my watch postpartum so I have no idea how my pace has been! It was interesting to see my pace was actually faster than I thought – here are the stats for the running only portion of the adventure (not including walks).
In other fitness news, I hit up a strength class this morning! I wasn’t planning to do another workout today, but I ended up being wide awake and done feeding Riese (who was back asleep, and so was Matt) and pumping at exactly the right time to hit my favorite 7 a.m. Friday class. I did a quick check on ClassPass (<- affiliate link for $40 off) and there were spots available for the class, and I also realized today was the last day of my monthly membership cycle so I was going to lose credits if I didn’t use them because I didn’t do any workouts the past 2 weeks due to being sick. I’m kind of a wimp motivation-wise about going to strength/boot camp classes solo (I always go with friends), but I decided to be a big girl and spontaneously make it happen this morning. And of course I was glad I did! It felt good to move and I was proud of myself for making it there.
In terms of food this week, we kept things simple and did a lot of usual faves so I don’t have many photos – although this soup that I had 3 or 4 times really hit the spot, especially with my sore throat! It was a variation on my Chunky Turkey and Veggie Soup from 2012 (hence the terrible photos, but it’s a yummy recipe) and it was delish.
I’m heading out the door for an AnneTheRD nutrition client meeting… have a great day and weekend, my friends, and I’ll see you back here on Monday!